This semester, I have progressed in the areas of speaking, thinking, reading, and writing. In speaking, I have learned how to make more eye contact and really connect with the audience in order to make you speech heard. I also learned that I tick a lot after a sentence, and I especially did in the introduction speeches, and I need to stop doing that. In thinking, I have progressed in thinking about the text I read. I don’t just read the surface of the story, but now am looking underneath and realizing the lessons and symbolism to learn in the text. I am now thinking about the story I a more intellectual way, not just reading it for fun. I am actually learning from the books now instead of just wasting time by reading. I am thinking about the underlying symbols and themes in the books. In reading, I have learned how to stay with a book and be interested in it. I have also gotten better in the analysis of books. I never really thought about books in a way of analyzing them, but since we have read Of Mice and Men and Death of a Salesman, I have learned to look deeper into text and see how it applies to us in our daily lives. In writing, I have progressed in my description and development of a story. I am now adding more description and developing the plot so it makes sense, like I hopefully did in my choice writing story. I need to remember to vary the sentence structure to make everything flow. Also, when writing essays, like the American Dream Essay, I must remember the logic part of MEAL and not forget to connect the evidence to the thesis.

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